About BAVA

BAVA is a non-profit unincorporated association (as defined and regulated under the UK Charities Act). It aims to promote knowledge of Vedic Astrology in Britain.

BAVA’s aims is to encourage interest in all aspects of Vedic Astrology including the deeper spiritual aspects, and to increase awareness of this ancient science through lectures, courses, workshops and conferences.

BAVA Founded in 1996

BAVA was founded at 10:14.15pm GMT on 16th December 1996 at Romsey, Hampshire in the UK by Vedic Astrologers Andrew Foss and Komilla Sutton.

BAVA elected this chart which has a Leo ascendant with Mars in the 1st house. Venus in Scorpio is in the 4th, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Sagittarius in the 5th house. The Moon is in Aquarius in the 7th and Saturn and Ketu in Pisces in 8th, Rahu in Virgo in 2nd.

The founding Patrons were the late Dr. B.V. Raman, Founder Chairman of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences and Editor of the Astrological Magazine and Pdt Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), both leading authors.

BAVA is one of the foremost international associations drawing together the world’s leading scholars in Vedic Astrology and related sciences. It also provides the key research journal Gochara. All interested scholars are invited to submit research articles for peer review.

BAVA’s annual conference series, along with its webinars and other worldwide activities has helped promote both education and research in Jyotish, arguably mankind’s oldest science.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology was developed by the ancient sages of India over 5000 years ago. Called Jyotish, the science of the light of life, it is part of the Vedic wisdom. This includes Ayurveda, Vastu (Vedic architecture) and Yoga.

The Vedas and the vast Vedic Literature, mankind’s oldest and most sophisticated body of knowledge, detail the relationship between astronomy, astrology and human beings.

Vedic Astrology is a powerful medium which can be used to understand ourselves through the study of the stars and the constellations.

It predicts and offers remedies for mundane difficulties as well as guide posts to an individual’s spiritual path.